f Freedom Christian Church
Welcome to Freedom Christian Church

Pastor ray 01-12-2024

Life and Godliness

Gayathri 24-11-2024

Called, Commissioned, Empowered

This weeks bulletin

Freedom Christian Church.
Hamilton. NZ.


9:00am and 10:30am Every Sunday.
3 Clow Place, off Kahakatea Drive.

Freedom Christian Church is a vibrant, Pentecostal church in South Hamilton. We are multicultural and multi-generational. We are reasonably informal and we try to stay up-to-date in our worship style. The senior pastors are Ray and Carolien Moxham. We are a part of the Assemblies of God in New Zealand.

We have two morning services 9am and 10:30am. Visitors are always welcome

Phone Pastor Ray on 027 479 7841

Learn more Map
Church this Sunday. 9:00 and 10:30am 3 Clow Place.
All Welcome

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 10:30am & 7:00pm
Break up week

Worship - fellowship - study - prayer

Friday 7pm
Youth Church
Talk to Antillea or Royden

Friday 7pm
Youth Church
Talk to Torika, Lai or Connor


More Things

More Sermons sermons
More Bibles Studes Bible Studies
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Discipleship Course Discipleship
The Tabernacle Tabernacle
Freedom Acts Acts

The Pastors

Pastor Ray

Pastor Ray was born in England. In 1983 he moved to Israel and it was here that he started to study for the ministry. He was ordained in 1989 and that same year he met Carolien who was volunteering in Israel. In 1992 they moved to New Zealand and pastored a small church South of Auckland. This church grew over the years and in 2004, sensing that they had completed what God had called them to do, they moved to Hamilton to plant Freedom Christian church.

Pastor Ray has a masters degree in theology from Otago university. He lectures in first testament studies at Alphacrusis New Zealand, the AG national bible school. Pastor Ray co-wrote the 2006 revision of the Assemblies of God Statement of Fundamental Truths.

Pastor Carolien

Pastor Carolien is originally from The Netherlands, she came to New Zealand at the age of 14. While travelling the world she met and married pastor Ray. They were married in the Old City of Jerusalem. Carolien has trained to work with autistic and children that have extra needs. In 2003 Carolien was ordained as a minister with the AG. She has worked extensively with youth. She currently speaks around the nation on the subject of child abuse.

Pastor Ray and Carolien have four children, Tamar and Sam are their biological children. Connor came to live with them in 2006 and in 2010 another child joined their household. They are all involved within ministry.

Pastor Brett

Pastor Brett is a probationary pastor working his way through the process of ordination. He is married to Geraldine and they have three adult children and four grandchildren. Brett and Geraldine have looked after many other children over the years.

Pastor Brett has completed his studies with Alphacrusis. He is responsible for discipleship programs and pastoral care among the men of the church. He is a trained butcher and enjoys having people over for meals.

Pastor Simpson

Pastor Simpson and Kiruba have two children Simon and Sean they moved to New Zealand in 2012.

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