Welcome to Freedom Acts
Freedom Acts is a new Pentecostal church, plant by Freedom Christian Church in 2016. It is the first of several churches we plan to plant over the next 10 years. Freedom Acts is now a fully independent entity registered with the Charities commission. It is pastored by Ralph and Heather Burden. It has a real emphasis on worship and is a growing family Church. It is easy to find - just a stones throw from The Base shopping centre. The Sunday service is at 10:30am.
Freedom Acts is a part of the the Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Phone Ralph on 021 297 4367
Check out their website
Freedom Acts
We are a growing new church and we would love you to join us.
42 Pukete Rd
The 10:30 service is about an hour and a half. It includes programs for children, worship, communion and a message. There is alsways an opportunity for prayer.
For more information chech out the what to expect page.
LifeGroup: 7:30pm
42 Pukete Rd
LifeGroup is our midweek small group
The emphasis is on growing in the basics of the faith and on getting to know each other. Participation is encoraged and you are welcome to come along.
How to find us
The address is 42 Pukete Road, Te Rapa.
Just a stones thrown from the base shopping centre. Pukete Road forms a triangle with Wairere Drive and Te Rapa Road. Big sign out the front. On Sundays you can park in front of the neighbouring business, across the road or down the side streets
Find us on facebook
Freedom Chrisitan Church
The Freedom page is updated frequently. There will be photoes of what we have been up to and information about upcoming events.
Find us on facebook
You can also check out Ralph's Facebook pages and see a little more behind the scenes.
Pastor Ralph
Frequently updated
Our Goal
We want to provide an environment where Christians can worship God and grow in maturity. A place where we can find and fulfill our purpose, effectively reaching those around us with the good news about Jesus Christ. Purity and wholeness, faithfulness to God and passion to serve Him.
Kids Church
Kids stay in during the worship and communion
During the message a program is run in the back room. Kids Church is full of fun and a whole variety of activites